
Revolutionizing How Teachers Teach and Students Learn

Self-government is at the core of the Ashbrook way of teaching and learning. We believe all education begins from the maxim that “all men by nature desire to know, but they don’t want to be told.” They want to discover it for themselves. This principle flips the traditional mode of education on its head and results in better students, better teachers, better citizens, and a better American republic.
Ask Questions
Where most traditional education begins by inundating students with information, we begin by asking questions. Questions like, “What is the foundation of the American republic?”; “What does it mean that ‘all men are created equal’?”; “What does it mean to be free?”
Inspire Wonder & Discovery
Being challenged to find their own answers to these questions sparks wonder in students. And it inspires them to discover more for themselves. Talking with peers and digging deeper into the words and deeds of great thinkers, statesmen, and historical figures not only helps them learn to think seriously but also prepares them to carry on a distinctly American conversation for the good of the country.
Inspire Wonder & Discovery
Being challenged to find their own answers to these questions sparks wonder in students. And it inspires them to discover more for themselves. Talking with peers and digging deeper into the words and deeds of great thinkers, statesmen, and historical figures not only helps them learn to think seriously but also prepares them to carry on a distinctly American conversation for the good of the country.
Cultivate Understanding & Devotion

Once a student is inspired to seek out their own answers to the big questions of American history and government, understanding and devotion naturally follow. They understand for themselves what makes America worthy of their devotion. And they take ownership of their education, pursuing it not simply for a grade but because they recognize that it is good. Students begin picking up information as a matter of course, making their own judgments, and discovering a deeper understanding of America.

Ashbrook’s active-learning approach has a powerful effect

Learn how to think, not what to think.
See beyond their own biases and beliefs, which leads to:
– Respect for others; fewer confrontations and more productive conversations.
– A focus on what we share as Americans rather than our differences.
Understand and appreciate America’s exceptional history, especially our Founding principles.
Develop habits of personal responsibility, grounded in their rights and duties as American citizens.
Develop good judgment.
Become better communicators, learning to read and write at high levels.
Improve their grades and standardized test scores.
Become informed, patriotic citizens, devoted to preserving American freedom and self-government.
Become confident, effective teachers.
Help their students discover America’s true story rather than indoctrinate.
Use original historical documents, keeping personal biases from inadvertently getting in the way of their teaching.
Reinvigorate their passion for teaching history and civics.
Serve as a model for their fellow teachers.
Resist pressure to push an agenda in their classroom.
Become well equipped to teach America’s history and principles to our children and grandchildren.
Refresh and clarify their understanding of America’s history and principles.
Understand, as Calvin Coolidge said, that “American citizenship is a high estate” with important rights and duties.
Understand and more thoughtfully engage in the political process.
Become more productive members of civil society.
Restores common ground among citizens on the Founding principles of self-government: liberty, equality, consent of the governed, and the rule of law.
Unifies our identity as Americans rather than racial or socio-economic groups.
Fosters understanding and civil conversation.
Cultivates understanding and appreciation of our history and the men and women who made our freedom possible.
Reinforces America’s position in the world as a “shining city on the hill”

The Force Multiplier of One American

Each Ashbrook teacher can teach up to 5,000 students during their career, reaching the young through those who teach the young. And each student or citizen can lead in their communities and model good citizenship for their friends, families, and colleagues

Invest in the Future of America

Our Founders knew that for freedom to endure, Americans need to understand the principles of self-government and their rights and duties as citizens. Therein lies the most essential purpose of American education. Your contribution to the Ashbrook Center will support educational programs for students, teachers, and citizens—programs that will help the next generation of Americans discover what it means to be an American and become citizens capable of perpetuating the promise of America.

Your generosity is vital to preserving the future of freedom. Please join us in the work.
