Are donations to the Ashbrook Center tax deductible?
Yes. The Ashbrook Center is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, and contributions are tax-deductible for income, gift, and estate taxes.
How is the Ashbrook Center related to Ashland University?
The Ashbrook Center is an independent academic center located on the Ashland University campus that is responsible for generating all of the funds necessary for its many programs.
Is the Ashbrook Center governed by its own Board?
The Ashbrook Center is governed by its own independent board. The President of Ashland University and another Ashland University Board member sit on the Ashbrook Board. Likewise, two Ashbrook Board members sit on the Ashland University board.
What is Ashbrook’s tax identification number?
The Ashbrook Center’s federal tax identification number is 34-0714626.
Which credit cards do you accept?
The Ashbrook Center accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. Credit card contributions can be made by using our secure online form or by calling the Ashbrook Center at 419-289-5411.
Can I make a gift to Ashbrook by check?
Yes. Checks should be made payable to the “Ashbrook Center” and mailed to our offices at:
401 College Avenue
Ashland, OH 44805
Can I establish a recurring contribution deducted from my credit card or checking account?
You can also choose to contribute to Ashbrook automatically each month or on a quarterly schedule through an electronic funds transfer—in which your contribution is electronically debited from your checking account—or through a charge to your credit card.
Establish a recurring gift on your credit card online.
Can I give a gift of securities (stocks or bonds)?
Yes. Transferring securities held long term to the Ashbrook Center allows you to make a gift and receive a charitable deduction equal to the full, fair market value of the securities. You pay no capital gains on your gift and neither does Ashbrook.
The best method of transferring these assets to Ashbrook is to contact your broker and electronically transfer the stock from your account to Ashbrook’s account at Irving Eisel. Avoid selling the assets and then making a gift of the proceeds, because this will trigger a capital gains liability for you.
In order for the Ashbrook Center to acknowledge your gift and provide you with an IRS receipt, please call us at 419-289-5411 and let us know that you would like to make a gift of stock.
Then, to transfer these assets to the Ashbrook Center, please contact your broker and electronically transfer the stock from your account to the Ashbrook Center’s account at Irving Eisel Investments. Your broker will need the following information to expedite the stock or mutual fund gift
Irving Eisel Investments Inc.
DTC Number: 0075
LPL Account Number: 3814 – 4336
Contact person: Nancy Grimwood
Direct line (419) 289-6222
Federal Tax ID #34-0714626
Avoid selling the assets and then making a gift of the proceeds, because this will trigger a capital gains liability for you.
Does the Ashbrook Center accept matching gifts?
Yes. Many corporations agree to match the personal charitable donations of their employees with an equal or greater corporate contribution. Businesses also often match the charitable donations made by spouses or those who retired from the company. At no additional cost to you, your contribution can work twice as hard to help Ashbrook educate students, teachers, and citizens int he enduring principles and practice of free government in the United States.
To initiate a matching gift, complete your company’s matching gift form and send it along with your gift to the Ashbrook Center. Ashbrook will complete the form, certifying that it has received your gift and that the Ashbrook Center is eligible to receive matching gifts under your company’s guidelines. We then forward the form to your company. After verifying the eligibility of both the donor and Ashbrook, the company sends a check to the Ashbrook Center.
Each corporate matching program has its own rules. You should check with your employer’s personnel department to see if your gift qualifies for a corporate match.
Can I establish a gift annuity through Ashbrook?
Yes. By establishing a charitable gift annuity with the Ashbrook Center, you’ll receive annual income for life at higher rates than available through most CDs and savings accounts.
The income you receive is based on the gift amount and your date of birth (designed for persons of retirement age). You receive dependable income for life and a tax deduction reducing your income taxes. And, your gift will help make Ashbrook even stronger in our fight to restore and strengthen constitutional self-government.
Can I provide for Ashbrook through my will or estate?
Yes. Gifts to the Ashbrook Center through your will are totally free of estate tax.
A bequest to Ashbrook can be a gift of a specific dollar amount, a specific piece of property, a percentage of an estate, or all or part of the residue of an estate. You can also name Ashbrook as a contingent beneficiary if someone named in your will is no longer living at the time of your passing. A bequest to Ashbrook is easy to arrange and can be made by including the following words in your will:
I give, devise, and bequeath to the Ashbrook Center, 401 College Avenue, Ashland, OH 44805 (insert amount of money, percentage of estate, or describe property) to be used for its educational purposes.
Any type of cash, securities, personal property or real estate can be given through a bequest. Ashbrook can also be named beneficiary of assets which often pass outside a will, such as IRAs, pension plans, life insurance, or assets held in a trust.
For more information about the bequests or other planned gifts including charitable gift annuities and charitable trusts, please call us at 419-289-5411.
Can I designate my gift to a certain program?
Yes. While most donors support our work through general support, you may also designate your gift to be used to support the work of a specific program.
There are a number of options and the Ashbrook Center’s development professionals are available to work with you and your advisors to find a particular program or area that you are enthusiastic about. Your inquiries will remain confidential. Please call the Ashbrook Center at 419-289-5411 and ask to speak with a member of our development staff.
Are both students and teachers considered students of Ashland University?
Yes. Undergraduate students studying in the Ashbrook Scholar Program are Ashland University students as are teachers studying in the Master of Arts in American History and Government degree program.
How can I establish an endowment at Ashbrook?
You can endow a specific scholarship or program at the Ashbrook Center. For more information on establishing an endowment, please contact our office at 419-289-5411.