Investing in the Future - Now

October 1, 1997

Investing of any asset, whether it be time, wealth, effort or emotion, can and probably should be a very personal thing. Each person has either acquired or been given their own levels of each of these assets. It is not an issue so much what size is one’s asset but rather how well their responsibility is exercised investing each of these assets. That responsibility is not innate — it must be learned, and then exercised. To abandon that responsibility and waste precious resources is an affront to that from which the resource came. Four good examples of those who have carefully studied and executed their plan appear in this newsletter.

The Ashbrook Center, in support of its mission and commitment to excellence and free choice, is happy to be allied with Ashland University, which has assisted our Founders in designing and implementing their plans. The University, as a part of its educational mission, for the past five years has been a leader in this nation in developing "constituent or donor centered philanthropy. " Ashland University’s Office of Planned Giving aids in development of total estate plans, without cost or obligation, upon request. It is their goal to assist each person (or family) in creating their own very special legacy. Often, there is a charitable component that the donor wishes to implement. Care is always taken to demonstrate which options are most tax and income efficient. Each person generally retains their own advisors to confirm and implement specific plans that are selected. What are the services offered by the Office of Planned Giving?

  • General information on simple estate planning, wills, living trusts, etc.;

  • Careful step-by-step direction through the process of estate planning;

  • Analysis of complex business and personal investments;

  • Development of efficient wealth transfer models;

  • Life income gift plans that often leave more to familly and less to taxes;

  • Strategic planning that redirects taxes to charity and family;

  • Creation of Perpetual Charitable Family models;

  • Counsel on most appropriate stocks to gift, either current or deferred;

  • Goals and Objectives clarification (how do I decide how much to leave to family members and my community);

  • Retirement and estate planning tips on "election" at 70 1/2

How you invest your resources does make a difference!