Founders Commit to Ashbrook Scholars

October 1, 1997

Endowments and estate notes push pledges to $4 million of Center’s $10 million goal.

To recognize and respond generously to the current needs of a program is to express a great deal of faith in both those who are participants and also the ultimate value of the program itself. And then there is a very special group of people who have examined carefully the long term results, and in essence say, "the proof is in the pudding. " These people have placed a very special value on the significance of the Ashbrook Scholars Program and have committed their considerable resources to assuring the long term health of the program. For these Founders, we are indebted to that high trust placed in the Ashbrook Center. The staff and students, in response, are encouraged to rededicate themselves to seeing these values of excellence and freedom, held so dearly, are never, never lost! Thank you for your confidence in us, Founders!

Marlowe and Bess Kiplinger

KiplingersMarlowe and Bess Kiplinger were the very first to announce their plans to support the Ashbrook Center through their estate plans. The Kiplingers, longstanding members of the Ashland educational community, have dedicated their lives and very substance to furthering the education of area students. Their gift designation for endowment scholarship assistance is an expression of their commitment to enable students to pursue sound educational training with conservative principles. The lifestyles of Marlowe and Bess have exhibited their commitment to free enterprise, prudent investments, a frugal lifestyle and Christian family values.

Bradford and Christine Mishler

MishlersBradford and Christine (Miller) Mishler, of Bradbury, California have earmarked a significant portion of their estate to come to the Ashbrook Center in the estate plans. Christine, a former student and art teacher at Ashland University and Brad, whose two great grandfathers were founding trustees of the University, announced this commitment to the late director, Charles Parton. It is their belief that significance in one’s life can be obtained through a special creativity. And, "one of the most important forms of creating is that of developing ideas in young minds. In this intangible area there is a quality of permanence which even a work of art cannot equal and our legacy must be a part of this effort." This Mishlers express further, "We feel the Ashbrook Center is deserving of our support because through the Center, young people of str
ong moral fiber and inquiring intellect are being introduced to concepts, values and principles so much needed in developing ideas in the world of public affairs and politics."

Joseph and Sarah Rowan

RowansJoseph and Sarah Rowan committed their entire careers to the education of young people — Joe in the university setting education future teachers and Sarah in the elementary classroom. They, too, have chosen to invest their resources beyond their lifetimes in the education of young people through the Ashbrook Center. A gift of highly appreciated assets through a Charitable Gift Annuity at the University continues to provide them with income throughout their lives and at the same time serves as an expression of their belief in the intrinsic value of the Ashbrook Scholars Program. As they continue to live in the local community, Joe and Sarah maintain close contact with these students who are out to change their world and they are energized by them.

Maxine Rybolt

RyboltMaxine (Sheets) Rybolt, a life-long resident of Ashland and deeply interested in the life of Ashland University, has made a gift through her personal trust that will fund endowments for at least two Ashbrook Scholars. The Arthur L. and Maxine S. Rybolt Scholarships were created as an expression of the Rybolts commitment to assist students in pursuing excellence in education training founded on conservative principles. As a 1996 Honorary Alumna of the Year, Maxine demonstrates her longtime friendship with the University, its students and its continuing influence on the local community, as well as the nation and the world. "The Ashbrook Scholars are among the brightest and the best of those who attend any university, " Mrs. Rybolt comments. "They are morally, ethically and academically topnotch. We need young people who can bring about the cha
nges we need in this nation. I want to help make sure this happened. It is the least I can do!"

You may have been encouraged or challenged by the Founders who have already stepped forward to demonstrate their support of the Ashbrook Center Scholars Program. Or, perhaps you wish to find out more about "the proof in the pudding. " Maybe the stock market has been especially good to you recently and you wish to reinvest some of your financial assets in students. Or, maybe this is the time of the year when you are considering your charitable gift beneficiaries. If so, please take a moment to call (419) 289-5412 for further information.