Contemporary Conversations: A "Post-America" American History?
September 13, 2023

The Changing Landscape of American Historical Discourse
In the ever-evolving landscape of American historical discourse, the way we perceive and interpret our nation’s past is undergoing a significant transformation. The traditional narratives and perspectives that have shaped our understanding of American history are facing new challenges and changes. In this article, we will delve into the shift towards a “post-American” perspective and its implications for the telling of our nation’s story.
Defining the Shift
The “post-American” perspective represents a departure from conventional approaches to American history. It signifies a growing sentiment, particularly among historians and educators, that America’s history is fundamentally flawed and irredeemable due to its deep-seated racism. This perspective contends that the entire American narrative is tainted, primarily focusing on racism as its defining feature.
The 1619 Project
One prominent example of this shift is the controversial “1619 Project,” initiated by The New York Times. This project aims to create a new founding narrative for a post-American nation. It contends that racism has been the guiding principle of white Americans since 1619, framing the entire American story as corrupt. This perspective implies that America is a society to be transcended and that white Americans are an obstacle to overcome.
Oversimplifying Complex Narratives
One consequence of the post-American perspective is the oversimplification and reduction of complex historical narratives. For instance, the Puritan settlement and the origins of Thanksgiving are stripped of their multifaceted layers of meaning. While acknowledging the injustice of settlers taking indigenous land, these narratives neglect other aspects, such as religious refuge, the founding of idealistic societies, and the tradition of giving thanks for good fortune.
The Framing Debate
Even when historians recognize errors in the 1619 Project, some argue that the framing is more important than the factual accuracy. This perspective reflects the tension between historians’ roles as both correctors of historical distortions and contributors to a shared national narrative. The desire to construct a new post-American national narrative may lead to hesitancy in criticizing the 1619 Project and similar narratives.
The Significance of Historical Discourse
The changing landscape of American historical discourse raises important questions about how we view our past and its role in shaping our collective identity. The move towards a post-American perspective challenges us to reconsider our understanding of history and the implications of constructing new narratives.
As we navigate this evolving terrain of American historical discourse, it is vital to engage in thoughtful and informed discussions. While recognizing the injustices and complexities of our history, we must also acknowledge the enduring importance of shared narratives in shaping a cohesive national identity. The post-American perspective has initiated a dialogue that prompts us to reevaluate the stories we tell about our past, ultimately influencing the trajectory of our nation’s ongoing experiment in self-government.
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