Giving Tuesday 2022

Help Provide an Education to Preserve Freedom in America on this Giving Tuesday

Your tax-deductible gift will be DOUBLED by a $1 million matching grant!

Unfortunately, history and civics education in America is becoming more and more biased every day. Across America, far too many young people are being indoctrinated with the divisive idea that America is a land of oppression, not freedom; injustice not hope.

As a result, too many young Americans are not informed patriots who understand their country and know why it deserves their love and respect. And that is putting the future of our nation in jeopardy.

But the Ashbrook Center is working to change the direction our country is heading and preserve freedom in America. We are committed to reaching the young through those who teach the young. That’s why we launched our In the Spirit of ’76 initiative to take our educational programs and classroom resources for teachers and students fully to scale across the country.

With more than 30,000 teachers in our network, we are making good progress. But we have more work to do. And we must work fast.

Your tax-deductible gift today will support this educational revolution to recruit, educate, equip, and sustain a network of 45,000 teachers. Over the course of their career, one teacher can influence the education of up to 5,000 students. That adds up to millions of students! What a multiplier effect!

And we have more good news! Thanks to a generous matching grant, any gift you make on this Giving Tuesday will be DOUBLED—dollar for dollar—up to $1 million and will support In the Spirit of ‘76!

Please don’t let this opportunity slip away.

If we don’t turn the tide in our nation’s educational system today, the growing lack of faith in America’s Founding principles will put the future of freedom in America at risk.

But you can help today’s young people learn to be responsible citizens who are capable of perpetuating the promise of America. When you do, your gift will be doubled instantly and will have twice the impact.

Please make your tax-deductible gift on this Giving Tuesday right now using the secure form below.