The Leadership America Needs
with Congressman Jim Jordan

Where and when
February 27, 2024
12 Noon - 1:30 P.M.
Ashland University,
638 Jefferson Avenue, Ashland, OH 44805
John C. Myers
Convocation Center
What makes a good leader? American history is replete with examples of leaders who stepped up to meet the challenges of their times and changed the course of history. As another Presidential election draws near, many Americans will be asking what sort of leadership qualities our present times demand.
To provide insight on this topic, Ashbrook is pleased to welcome Congressman Jim Jordan. As a leader, Congressman Jordan is known for his firm adherence to principle, even in the face of fierce opposition. He has represented Ohio’s 4th district since 2007. He is a founding member of the House Freedom Caucus and currently the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.
We hope you’ll reserve your tickets and plan to join us for this Major Issues Lecture luncheon event with Congressman Jim Jordan.
Registration for this event is open until February 19, 2024.