Me Too? Insights on Contemporary Feminism From Susan B. Anthony

Where and when
March 16, 2022
1 p.m. ET - 2 p.m. ET
During her lifetime, Susan B. Anthony inspired three generations of Americans to join her lifelong pursuit of equal rights for women. In perhaps her most famous speech, Anthony urged women and men to consider the Founders’ words in the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution. She argued that “all men are created equal” encompasses all of humanity, including women. And she argued that rather than bestowing rights, our Founding documents propose to protect our God-given rights. Although the 19th amendment securing the right for women to vote was not passed until 14 years after Anthony’s death, its passage is widely attributed to her efforts.
In this webinar, we asked:
How have Susan B. Anthony’s heroics impacted contemporary feminism, particularly the ongoing Me Too Movement? What would she think about feminism in today’s America?
Ashbrook Executive Director Jeff Sikkenga sats\ down with Dr. Natalie Taylor–Chair of the Department of Government at Skidmore College and a faculty member in Ashbrook’s graduate program–to answer these questions and discuss Susan B. Anthony’s legacy as a pioneer of women’s rights.
Dr. Taylor is an expert scholar of American political thought and has published many articles and a book on women and democracy, The Rights of Woman as Chimera: the Political Philosophy of Mary Wollstonecraft.
Watch the recording of this webinar below.