American Historical Education Survey Thank You - 50 Core Docs Premium
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If you chose to receive a free digital copy of 50 Core American Documents, it is on its way to your inbox right now.
And we have good news for you—you’re in good company! You’re not alone in your concern for what young people are learning about America.
Research shows that students have decreasing levels of literacy around America’s core documents, such as the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and even the Gettysburg Address, The Federalist Papers, and more.
Students score very poorly in their knowledge of American history. And they are too often taught by teachers who have not had the opportunity to help their students learn why they ought to love their country.
This is concerning on many levels.
First, like you, we believe that reading America’s core Founding documents is paramount to understanding how and why America was founded, and how to be a morally upright, responsible citizen.
Second, we believe that all Americans should unite around these documents, which can provide a way out from our current deep political divisions.
We believe that a discussion-based study of these documents can provide a deeper understanding of our shared heritage and future as Americans. We believe this because we see it happen every day.
Here are just a few examples:
We see students in the Ashbrook Scholar Program who are astounded at the richness and beauty of these texts as they engage with them. They learn that the United States is worthy of serious study; that good citizenship is necessary in a free society; and that to be a good leader, one must know and understand the principles and history of the country. And this program graduates hardworking students with the knowledge, character, and judgment to become principled leaders in their communities, states, and for the country.
We see high school students in the summer at Ashbrook Academy perfectly capable of reading the words of the men and women who lived and wrote our history. As they face each other, desks in a square, they are surprised to be asked to speak without raising their hands for permission. And they are amazed to engage in civil conversations based on those words and discuss commonly avoided topics like racism, the First Amendment, and capitalism. One student said, “One week transformed who I am and what I will be as a citizen.”
Teachers who participate in our Teaching American History programs return to their classrooms invigorated to teach the incredible history of our country. One teacher reported that he was able to teach a student to read using the Declaration of Independence! And since each teacher reaches thousands of students in their career, this has a great multiplier effect.
If you are concerned about America’s future, I hope these initiatives encourage you.
And I hope you’ll join us in helping to fund these efforts to restore a love of country in Americans–especially young Americans–through thoughtful conversations about our nation’s primary texts.
If you believe that the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and other core documents are critical to a proper education, would you be willing to make a donation today to provide a transformative experience for a young person?
Your gift will provide scholarships for both students and teachers, affording them the opportunity to discover for themselves the truth about our country’s noble story of freedom. To understand the truth of America’s story is to rediscover respect for and devotion to America.
Every single graduating class of high school students is a class of new voting citizens in the U.S. Without a proper education, these students could lead our country in a far different direction than the Founders intended. That’s why your investment in Ashbrook is an investment in freedom for decades to come.
If you’re willing to make a gift today, we’d be most grateful to you. Your gift to Ashbrook is a gift to America. Thank you!