Sabrina Maristela is a graduate of Ashland University and the Ashbrook Scholar Program, where she received degrees in Political Science, Political Economy, and Spanish. While at AU, she was an Ashbrook intern and a member of the AU Student Senate, AU Catholic Campus Ministry, AU Dance Company, and AU Falconry Team. Her senior thesis was titled “Invisible Hands: Tocqueville, Smith, and Montesquieu on the Corresponding Effects of Religion and Economics in American Society.” After graduating, she worked as a Student Programs team member at the Foundation for Economic Education in Atlanta, GA and taught Medieval History and a seminar on the American Tradition at Cicero Preparatory Academy in Scottsdale, AZ before returning to the Ashbrook Center.
In her free time, Sabrina enjoys dancing, cooking, playing stringed instruments well and wind instruments badly, and reading good books with friends.
In her position at the Center, she helps coordinate the logistics and execution of Ashbrook’s programs for undergraduate and high school students including the Ashbrook Scholar Program and the Ashbrook Academy.