Jeremy D. Bailey
Ph.D., Boston College
Jeremy D. Bailey has taught in the MAHG program since 2006. He is the director of the Institute for American Constitutional Heritage at the University of Oklahoma, where he holds the Sanders Chair in Law and Liberty.
He teaches in the Constitutional Studies program in OU’s Department of Classics and Letters, and his research interests include the political thought of the early republic as well as constitutional controversies concerning executive power. His books include The Idea of Presidential Representation: An Intellectual and Political History (University Press of Kansas, 2019), James Madison and Constitutional Imperfection (Cambridge University Press, 2015), The Contested Removal Power, 1789-2010 (University Press of Kansas 2013, coauthored with David Alvis and Flagg Taylor), which was named a 2014 “Outstanding Academic Title” by Choice, and Thomas Jefferson and Executive Power (Cambridge University Press 2007). His articles have appeared in American Political Science Review, History of Political Thought, Review of Politics, Political Research Quarterly, American Politics Research, Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, Publius, Presidential Studies Quarterly, and Critical Review. With Susan McWilliams, Bailey is editor of American Political Thought: A Journal of Ideas, Institutions, and Culture, published quarterly by University of Chicago Press, as well as the American Political Thought book series published by University Press of Kansas.
Bailey attended Rhodes College and received his Ph.D. from Boston College, where his dissertation was the 2004 co-winner of the American Political Science Association’s E. E. Schattschneider Prize for best dissertation in American politics.